ReachDeck How to Articles

What support does the ReachDeck Toolbar provide users who would already have Assistive Tech in place?

  • Toolbar

The ReachDeck Toolbar supports many different types of users. Some may have Assistive Tech in place, and some may not. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), only one in 10 people in need have access to assistive technology. Many people rely on built in functions within apps etc. So providing an assistive technology toolbar can support those who are living without the assistance that they need.

Additionally, the ReachDeck Toolbar can support users that might not have a diagnosis. And therefore don't have the opportunity of support. It helps everyone to read and translate content on your site. And helps users to change the format of your information to suit their needs. Going beyond users of assistive technology, it also supports people who are non-native speakers, and those who could benefit from reducing visual stress too. If you haven't done so yet, add the ReachDeck Toolbar to your website.