Gift Read&Write to your employees’ family

If your company has an Enterprise Advanced license (meaning your Read&Write package includes unlimited access for all employees), your subscription comes with an added benefit of Read&Write Family Access. If that’s your organization, read on to discover how your employees can share Read&Write with their family members. 

If your company doesn’t have an Enterprise Advanced license, find out more about our Enterprise Advanced subscription and how you can upgrade. Or, contact our Customer Relationship Team to discover how you can add Read&Write Family Access to your existing package.

What is Read&Write Family Access?

Read&Write Family Access is an extra benefit included as part of our Enterprise Advanced license subscription.

It allows your people to gift Read&Write to those that matter to them most - their families. Each employee can give Read&Write to members of their immediate family for free. This includes their parents, siblings, spouse, and children. 

Our own employees’ families have been benefiting from this for many years. This benefit gives you the same opportunity to make a bigger impact for your people. They can empower their loved ones with the same technology that helps them to unlock their full potential at work. 

With Read&Write Family Access we will be able to add this to our staff benefits list and support even more employees and their families. I am so excited about this! It will be a massive boost to our staff when we roll out Read&Write for all and will enhance WCC corporate image as an inclusive and caring employer.

Share the news with your employees

We’ve put together some resources to help you share the news of this benefit with your employees.

Email template

This email template contains all the information your staff need to know to get their family members set up with Read&Write.

Poster 1

Use this poster in your physical offices, or share as a flyer over email.

Poster 2

Use both posters to increase the chances of grabbing your employees' attention.

Social card 1

Share across your internal chat platforms. Use this visual to capture attention.

Social card 2

Change up your communications by using both social cards from time to time.

What happens once I send the email?

  • Your employees will share our registration form with members of their immediate family. Their family members can fill in the form to let us know they’d like Read&Write.
  • The family member will then install Read&Write. Once the family member has filled in our form, our team will get in touch with them with information on how to install the software. We’ll also share resources to help them get the best use of our tools.

Will Texthelp be contacting my staff or including them in any marketing emails?

  • No, we will not be contacting any of your staff via the email provided on the application form. However, we will be sending a short series of emails to their family members to help them to access and use Read&Write.

Share with your external community too!

Let all of your audiences know what you're doing to improve inclusion for your employees, and their families.

  1. Add a line to your employee benefits package.
    Our suggested text is: All of our employees and their immediate family members have free access to software Read&Write for Work. It's an inclusion tool that supports us to understand, work and learn in our own way.
  2. Publish a blog on your website.
    We've written an article for you. Feel free to use it as is, or use it as a base to add your own content to.
  3. Share on social media.
    We've also created this social card to help you share your great work across your social channels.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Relationship Team. They’d be happy to help.