Share ReachDeck with your community

As you continue your journey with ReachDeck, we’re here to support you. Below, you’ll find everything you need to share ReachDeck with your community.

Not responsible for internal communications?

Share this page with a colleague and get them involved in helping to roll-out your brand new software, ReachDeck.

Let your teams know ReachDeck is available

One of the most important parts of getting started with ReachDeck is letting your teams know it’s available. Its features benefit all departments - from Marketing and Communications, to HR, Finance, and beyond. So let’s tell them how.

Copy and paste this email template, and hit ‘Send to all’.

Encourage every employee to use the ReachDeck Editor. Here's why:

Digital accessibility isn’t just the responsibility of your Marketing or Websites team. 

Every team across your organization produces valuable content. We know that it’s important to you that your audience connects with your messages. But not everyone that receives your content has the same level of literacy, or speaks English as a first language.

Whether your employees are writing to one another, or for an external audience, readability matters. Encouraging every employee to use the ReachDeck Editor will help to make sure your content can be understood by all.

  • Help IT and Finance to cut down the amount of technical words they use
  • Support HR and Management to communicate clearly with staff
  • Encourage Marketing and Communications to keep their messages short and simple

Share ReachDeck with your teams and get everyone writing in a way that’s simple, clear and concise.

Do you have an employee social channel?

Use all of your internal channels to let your people know about the ReachDeck Editor.

To help, we’ve written some posts for you. And created some images to help capture attention.

Not ready to announce all of ReachDeck yet?

We understand that you might want to get key stakeholders involved before sharing ReachDeck with your full organization. But, perhaps you’ve begun by adding the ReachDeck Toolbar to your website. If so, let your employees know how your new website addition will support your online visitors.

Tell your customers what you’re doing to improve digital inclusion

Let your online audience know that you’ve added speech, reading and translation support to your website. Share how you’re creating content with readability in mind, and encourage feedback to help you improve.

Use the resources below to demonstrate how you’re going above and beyond to be inclusive.

Plain language statement

Add a note to your homepage and let your visitors know you’re writing content with readability in mind.

Accessibility statement

Add a statement to the accessibility page on your website. Let your visitors know how the Toolbar can support them.

Blog about it

Share the news on your company blog. To help, we've written some content for you.

Share on social

Tell your followers across social media. We've created some social cards to make your message stand out.