ClaroRead How To Articles
Use ClaroRead in Exams
ClaroRead SE is a simplified version of ClaroRead that meets JCQ guidelines for use in exams where students are not allowed to use spelling checkers or word prediction.
ClaroRead SE has the same powerful speech features as ClaroRead, but without writing or proofing tools and advanced scanning.
If you benefit from screen tinting or masking, you can also use ClaroRead’s ScreenRuler or ClaroView tools in exams – these can be installed separately and run from your Windows Start menu.
For more information, see our ClaroRead in Exams webinar.
ClaroPDF can also be used in exams, as a speech-enabled offline PDF reader that can be used with PDF exam papers.
If you are restricted to physical exam papers, you can use Claro ScanPen with a mobile device (such as an iPad) to take photos of the exam paper and read them aloud. The mobile device must be locked down as required to satisfy exam regulations.