ClaroRead How To Articles

Check spelling in Word

  • Spelling Checker

Microsoft Word has its own powerful spelling and grammar checker, which marks errors in your document with red and blue wavy lines. ClaroRead’s spelling checker is designed to work alongside Word’s functionality – you can already see which words need attention, so you can go straight to them and make corrections.

To check spelling in Word:

1. Position the cursor in a word and then click the Check button on the ClaroRead toolbar (or press F9).

2. ClaroRead checks the word and the Check window appears. This contains loads of information to help you choose the right word – including pictures, suggestions, synonyms, and dictionary definitions. If you hover your mouse pointer over anything in the Check window, ClaroRead will read it out for you.

3. Select a suggestion, synonym, or alternative meaning (or type your own correction into the Word field), and then click Change to make the correction.

4. Alternatively, you can click Ignore to proceed to the next misspelled word without making a correction.

5. If you want to continue checking the rest of your document, click Spell Check All. The Check window proceeds to the next misspelled word.

6. When you have finished making corrections, click Close to close the Check window and return to your document.