Test Correlations

Learn more about the Read&Write and Equatio tools that are comparable to those available for specific groups of students on your State Assessment. 

These correlations are intended to help students begin using these tools on a regular basis so they will be well practiced before test time.

GSAP (Georgia Student Assessment Program)

GSAP and Read&Write for Google Chrome and Equatio Correlations

Illinois Assessment of Readiness

IAR and Read&Write for Google Chrome Correlations

ISTEP+ (Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress-Plus)

ISTEP+ and Read&Write and Equatio for Google Correlations

KAP (Kansas Assessment Program)

KAP and Read&Write for Google Chrome Correlations

LEAP (Louisiana Educational Assessment Program)

LEAP and Read&Write for Google Chrome and Equatio Correlations

MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System)

MCAS and Read&Write for Google Chrome Correlations

M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress)

M-STEP and Read&Write & Equatio for Google Correlations 2021-2022

NH SAS (New Hampshire State Test)

NH SAS and Read&Write for Google Chrome Correlations

OST (Ohio State Test)

OST and Read&Write for Google Chrome Correlations

OSAS - Oregon State Assessment System

Oregon State Assessment and Read&Write for Google Chrome and Equatio Correlations

RICAS - Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System

RICAS and Read&Write for Google Chrome and Equatio Correlations

Wisconsin Forward Exam

Wisconsin Forward Exam and Read&Write for Google Chrome and Equatio Correlations