ClaroRead How To Articles
Download a new voice
While ClaroRead includes access to many high-quality voices, only a few are installed by default. To download a new voice:
1. Click the Settings button on the ClaroRead toolbar.
2. In the Settings window, make sure that you are on the Speech tab.
3. Click the Get more voices button, at the top right.
4. ClaroRead closes, and the Claro Voice Setup window opens. This contains a list of all available voices.
5. Select the check boxes next to any voices that you want to install, and then click the Install button.
6. After the new voices have been installed, start ClaroRead again, click Settings, and see if the voices are available in your Voice drop-down list.
7. If you cannot find the new voices in the list, wait a few minutes and then restart ClaroRead. It may take some time to download and install new voices, especially if you have selected several of them.
Note that any voices that you already have installed appear at the bottom of the list in the Claro Voice Setup window.