ClaroRead How To Articles
Dictate text
You can use ClaroRead’s Dictate button to access speech recognition, that is, to speak text rather than having to enter it using your keyboard.
To dictate text:
1. Position your cursor where you want the text to appear. For example, click in a Word document, or a text box on a website.
2. Click the Dictate button on the ClaroRead toolbar.
3. Speak the text that you want to enter.
4. Your speech is processed as soon as you stop speaking, and the text you spoke appears wherever you put your cursor earlier.
5. When you have finished dictating, click the Dictate button again to end dictation.
Can’t see a Dictate button?
Then you’ll need to enable it. See below for instructions.
Can I use voice commands?
Yes! You can use simple commands like “delete that” and “new line” while you dictate. You can also insert punctuation by saying “comma”, “question mark”, and so on. Make sure that you pause before and after each command (or punctuation mark), so it’s recognised as a command rather than part of your text.
How does ClaroRead process dictation?
If you have Nuance’s powerful Dragon speech recognition software installed, ClaroRead uses that. If not, it uses Windows Voice Typing instead – which offers excellent speech recognition, but requires an internet connection and does not support the range of commands that Dragon does.
Note that ClaroRead Mac uses Apple’s own speech recognition, while ClaroRead Chrome uses Google’s. These are similar to Windows Voice Typing.
Enabling the Dictate button
If you can’t see a Dictate button on your ClaroRead toolbar, you need to enable it:
1. Click the Settings button on the ClaroRead toolbar.
2. In the Settings window, click View to open the View tab.
3. See the set of buttons on the right side of the View tab? They toggle the toolbar buttons on and off.
4. Click the Dictate button so it’s highlighted in blue. You should see it appearing on your toolbar.
5. Click OK to close the Settings window.